Date on the PC 02/23/22
Time on the PC 12:03p

Date on the Station 02/23/22
Time on the Station 12:00p

Sunrise time 6:56a
Sunset time 6:14p

Inside temperature 57.8 °F
High inside Temperature 66.1 °F
Low inside Temperature 57.7 °F
Time of High inside Temperature 12:00a
Time of Low inside Temperature 9:11a
High monthly inside Temperature 77.3 °F
Low monthly inside Temperature 47.1 °F
High yearly inside Temperature 79.6 °F
Low yearly inside Temperature 46.8 °F

Outside Temperature 31.6 °F
High outside Temperature 43.3 °F
Low outside Temperature 31.6 °F
Time of High outside Temperature 12:00a
Time of Low outside Temperature 11:57a
High monthly outside Temperature 79.3 °F
Low monthly outside Temperature 21.3 °F
High yearly outside Temperature 79.3 °F
Low yearly outside Temperature 21.3 °F

Inside humidity 39 %
High inside humidity 41 %
Low inside humidity 39 %
High inside humidity time 12:00a
Low inside humidity time 3:47a
High monthly inside humidity 70 %
Low monthly inside humidity 29 %
High yearly inside humidity 70 %
Low yearly inside humidity 29 %

Outside humidity 88 %
Low humidity 59 %
High humidity 89 %
Time of Low hum 12:00a
Time of High hum 11:37a
High monthly humidity 99 %
Low monthly humidity 14 %
High yearly humidity 99 %
Low yearly humidity 14 %

Barometer 30.325 in
Low barometer 30.179 in
High barometer 30.344 in
Time of low barometer time 12:00a
Time of High barometer time 11:09a
Low monthly barometer 29.705 in
High monthly barometer 30.652 in
Low yearly barometer 29.556 in
High yearly barometer 30.675 in

Wind speed 2.0 mph
10 minute average wind speed 4.0 mph
High wind speed 15.0 mph
Time of High wind speed 7:36a
High monthly wind speed 32.0 mph
High yearly wind speed 32.0 mph

Wind direction in degrees 9
Wind direction sector N

Wind chill 27.6 °F
Low wind chill 27.0 °F
Time of Low wind chill 10:35a
Low monthly wind chill 17.0 °F
Low yearly wind chill 12.0 °F

Total rain 3.26 in
Daily rain 0.00 in

Monthly rain 1.82 in
Storm rain 0.00 in
Rain rate 0.00 in/hr
High rain rate 0.00 in/hr
Time of High rain rate ----
High rain rate hour 0.00 in/hr
High monthly rain rate 0.70 in/hr
High yearly rain rate 3.02 in/hr

Daily et 0.014 in
Monthly et 1.954 in
Yearly et 4.244 in

Solar radiation 74 W/m²
High solar rad 167 W/m²
Time of High solar rad 9:57a
High monthly solar rad 960 W/m²
High yearly solar rad 960 W/m²

Uv 0.8 index
High uv 1.3 index
Time of High uv 10:14a
High monthly uv 6.8 index
High yearly uv 6.8 index

Outside dew point 28.5 °F
High dew point 30.0 °F
Low dew point 25.0 °F
Time of High dew point 12:00a
Time of Low dew point 5:10a
High monthly dew point 68.0 °F
Low monthly dew point 11.0 °F
High yearly dew point 71.0 °F
Low yearly dew point 9.0 °F

Inside dew point 33.0 °F

Outside heat index 31.4 °F
High heat index 42.0 °F
Time of High heat index 12:00a
High monthly heat index 81.0 °F
High yearly heat index 81.0 °F

High thsw index 39.0 °F
Time of High thsw index 12:10a
High monthly thsw index 93.0 °F
High yearly thsw index 93.0 °F

inside heat index 55.1 °F